
There’s been so much shouting
I lost my words
for simple things.

Like how the clouds
with their steady refusal to stay
or be any one thing
can give a sense of the world, moving
and for a moment it feels okay.

Or how a seagull
flying alone, against all odds
in a windstorm
is not a human thing
not struggling or lonely or sad
but free.

Or how you can love someone
for so long, one way
until you imagine them, erased
and your love has no choice
but to change.

There are a thousand little things
to notice every day.

Feed them
to your grasping eyes
to your blazing heart
to your fear.

Allow yourself
the easy comfort
of stone and leaves.

Be nourished, and full
for the long march
for the work
for the life
you have signed up
to lead.


For winter

